Embarking on a Digital Detox

Embarking on a Digital Detox : Connecting with the real world

male arm and hand holding up a phone with instagram shown on the phone screen whilst a city surrounds him and the phone, displaying billboards and tall buildings

In this faced paced, technology driven world, it is easy to find ourselves consumed by screens and digital distractions. The constant rings of notifications, social media pings and digital demands can take a toll on our mental health. This is why it is crucial to occasionally hit the reset button when it all becomes too much and engage in a digital detox. 


How to do a digital detox:

Set Boundaries: Define your goal on using social media with a time construct.  Define the duration of how long it is you would like to get away from the digital world and write it down. As David J Schwartz states, "With a pencil and paper you can tie your mind to a problem." Once you have this goal set out stick to it and begin the next step. 

Communicate with others: Start by telling the people around you who you trust and confine in deeply about your plans on this digital detox. Set the expectation and ensure they understand your absence from the digital world temporarily. 

Adapt your environment: Designate an area in your home where it is a digital free zone. This area will serve as a sanctuary, allowing you to disconnect and reengage with the real world. 

Replace digital activities: Fill the void that was left by digital distractions with activities that bring joy and fulfilment. These could include reading, taking a walk, writing or even exercising. This time could be filled on pursuing a project that you kept putting off or beginning with creating a new, healthy hobby. 

Benefits to digital detox:

Improved mental health: Extensive research has found that excessive digital consumption leads to heightened stress, anxiety and even a sense of constant comparison. A digital detox allows your mind to unwind, reduce mental clutter and promote peace within, settling the mind. 

Improved focus and productivity: When you disconnect from the digital world, you reconnect with tasks which were put off and gain your concentration back.  When you leave the digital world, all that time which was consumed on social media and the internet leave a void that must be filled so naturally you focus on tasks ahead and have a surge in your productivity. 

Deeper connections: By stepping away from the screens you make space and time for more face to face connections. You can strengthen relationships this way and foster a genuine interest in the connections around you.

Better self awareness: Putting down the screens and detaching from the digital world allows you to have more time for your self. This means you have more time to practice solitude with yourself and self reflect. This way you can gain a better insight into yourself. The greatest religious leaders such as Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed even practice solitude. 

Personal Account:

As someone who has been on a digital detox for a few months now (minus Youtube and my laptop to write these blogs for my lovely readers) I would like to share some transformative affects of digital detox. By reducing my screen time I have been able to regain my focus and produce higher quality of work. I make the most out my time and feel much more positive towards my future. I have regained trust with myself and present higher self esteem. I have had more time for reading, strengthening my knowledge and just time for myself to practice self care. 

In essence, conducting a digital detox can help you reevaluate your self by prioritising your time better and into more rewarding tasks. 

"No posting, no liking, just living." - Unknown

When will you begin you digital detox journey? 

Best of luck,

Lucy Lu

Lulu's Colectiva

I am 21 years old and I love anything to do with self development. I post blog posts for fun and to provide insights and may be teach you a thing or two. I love cats and I am trying to become a social media manager.

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