Embracing the early bird lifestyle

 Waking up earlier.

Birds flying with  a sunrise in the distance and sea below.

There has been a saying that has been said for decades "the early bird always catches the worm." This holds plenty of truth and I will debunk some of the many advantages early risers experience. While not everyone might be inclined to be a morning person, making a conscious effort to rise with the sun can have massive transformative affects on your physical, mental and emotion health. 

In this article, I will delve into the benefits, importance and shed light on why this simple habit offers many transformative affects to bettering your life. 

To begin, there are many benefits which include; 

Increased Productivity
One of the key benefits to waking up earlier provides is the extra time it gives for personal productivity. During the early hours your mind is fresh and there are minimal distractions, enabling you to focus on the tasks ahead. Whether it is working on projects, exercising or planning your day ahead, waking up early allows you to be proactive and accomplish more. 

Better mental well-being 
Mornings are known to be a calm and a peaceful time of the day. By waking up earlier, you can create more time for yourself by creating a 'you time' routine. This can include waking up, drinking water, and meditating. Doing whatever feels good for you and reminds you of your worth, bringing you joy. This overall improves your mental health, setting you off to a positive start to the day. 

Improved physical health
The advantage as previously mentioned to waking up earlier is having more time to be productive. This means that you can incorporate an exercise in your morning routine, kickstarting your metabolism and providing a boost of energy for the day ahead. 

Time for personal growth
Whether it is reading, learning a new skill, pursing a hobby or writing in a journal, the early hours of the day offer a quiet, focused environment ideal for learning and developing. By dedicating time to these activities, it allows you to put in time for yourself to further develop as a person and better yourself. You can also work towards achieving long term goals, all whilst setting a positive tone for the day. 

Better time management
Waking up early allows you to gain control of your day. By setting a routine and starting your day with intention, you establish a sense of structure and routine. The discipline can trickle into other aspects of your life which leads to better time management, increased productivity, and reduced procrastination. You will find yourself prioritising tasks, making thoughtful decisions and maintaining a healthy life and work balance. 

The benefits and importance of waking up earlier cannot be overruled. From increased productivity and improved mental well-being to better physical health and personal growth. Embracing the early bird lifestyle allows you to reach higher potential.  

"One day all your late nights and early mornings will all pay off." - Unknown

All the best,
Lucy Lu x
Lulu's Colectiva

I am 21 years old and I love anything to do with self development. I post blog posts for fun and to provide insights and may be teach you a thing or two. I love cats and I am trying to become a social media manager.

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