How to attack your day to day

 Attacking your day to day.

Your day to day will look different to everyone else. We all have different duties, titles and obligations to carry out. Is your day to day always hectic and unorganised? If so, there are solutions to this and I will tell you why.

What do I mean by a day to day?

Day to day refers to your everyday life. How you go on about your business, about your day. But where do we start this day? Like many, this day will start in the morning. All of us have different routines, jobs and lifestyles so your sleep or bed time may begin in the 'morning' around 7 am. Everyone's morning varies. So when I say morning I am referring to your wake up time. This does not mean it has to be in the usual morning of between 6am to 10am. 

I will provide for you a way to get more out of your day and be more productive with your time.

Set weekly goals
Setting goals for the week allows you to be more productive as it gives a long term vision. Having an idea of what the week will look like allows you to be more focused. It prevents you to drift off and become unproductive. You will shift your focus on the completion of goals allowing you to feel more motivated for the day. You become more organised which reduces stress. This. gives you a much better outlook of the day.

Create an organised environment
An organised environment is having everything around you in functioning order. The environment that surrounds you is a direct impact of your actions. This means that the set up of your environment dictates how you will interact with activities/ tasks. This is because your environment can either be a distraction or an engagement. So, we need to begin by changing up our environments to best suit the way we want to carry out tasks. Does this mean organising our clothing draws so we can find outfits in the 'morning' or even organising our desk so we can have a better workplace to stay on top of our work that is needed to be done.  

Create a small to do list
A to do list is a list of things that you write out which you want completed. These can be small or big tasks. Having a to do list keeps you aware of what needs to be completed. It also allows you to experience those accomplishments once you tick each task off. This makes you feel more motivated, increasing your productivity. Having a to do list sets you up for the day, quite similar to setting weekly goals, but this to do list will consist of smaller and quicker tasks such as doing your bed in the morning or cleaning the windows. The feeling of doing these smaller victories will set you up for the rest of the day and allow you to feel more productive for the bigger goals. 

Get better sleep
Ah, you knew this was coming up didn't you. Getting a good nights sleep is crucial for brain performance, mood and health. This means that the better you sleep the better your will carry out your tasks. A good sleep is one where you feel rested. The less well you sleep the more groggy you feel and less productive you will be. Also, the more inconsistent you will be with your work as your mood and brain performance is interrupted.  So, sleeping better will set your day out better, improve your mood and allow you to tackle goals with greater intention.

Have a routine
A routine is a set of actions you follow on a regular basis. Establishing a routine allows you to start your day with intention. You set yourself up to be productive. This allows you to feel motivated and have a positive view on the day. Not needing to rush and having a plan means less stress. Your brain actually conserves more energy this way making you feel a lot more energised and less consumed, prepping you to tackle the greater goals. 

Reducing your screen time
Would you look at that, another article suggesting you to put them screen away! Well, good intention is always behind this statement. When you are on your phone you scroll mindlessly and go from app to app, falling deeper into what I like to label as a blackhole. You waste a lot of time by doing so and set yourself to be less productive and tackle the day with less ambition than how you would away from the screen and if you were up out of bed using that time on a productive task such as running. 

Have 'Me' Time
With such an increasingly busy schedule we tend to scrap out the idea of time for ourselves. This is poor behaviour and we really need to create a slot for 'us.' Me time can look like quiet time such as meditating, reading or doing something that is healthy for yourself and gives you a peace of mind. This time for yourself will make you feel better. This makes you more positive about life and your outlook on achieving what it is you need to achieve will be more positive increasing the chances of completion. 

I hope with all the guidance above you have a clearer idea on how to tackle your day to day and even perform some of these tasks I have mentioned above to get the most out of your day.

As always, here is a quote to end my article. 

"Good things happen when you set your priorities straight." - Scott Cann

Stay blessed,
Lucy Lu x
Lulu's Colectiva

I am 21 years old and I love anything to do with self development. I post blog posts for fun and to provide insights and may be teach you a thing or two. I love cats and I am trying to become a social media manager.

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