Self- help

 Developing self help

What is self help? 

Self help is bettering yourself for your own good with your own efforts. It’s recovering without anyone’s help but your own. This can look like eating healthier, exercising or even doing a skin care routine. 

Where to begin? 

For me, personally, I began with reading books on the topic of self development. These books included; The magic of thinking BIG by David J Schwartz, SwitchCraft by Elaine Fox, The Luck Factor by Richard Wiseman and even Atomic Habits by James Clear. These books are just a few of many great reads on the topic of self development. My own Library expands with more of these self help books by the week.

There are more steps on beginning this journey and discovering the best version of you. These include;

Creating a routine 

Having a routine set out for yourself allows you to avoid drifting and getting distract from your goals of succeeding and achieving what you have set out to achieve.

Taking time for you
Taking time for yourself can look like having a relaxing bath instead of shower, going on a walk to gather energy and preserve thoughts or even doing a skin care routine. 


Meditating allows you to balance your peace and calmness. It allows you to switch off from the world and the distractions around you. This means it can help you collect your thoughts and distribute them in an orderly manner. 


Speaking words of positivity allow you to think more positively, resulting in your actions being more positive too. It helps to drown out the negative thoughts and allows you to act with more empathy and energy towards your tasks. 

Do yoga (it is a form of meditation and exercise so a win win!)

Yoga creates mental clarity and calmness. It enables you to collect thoughts, centre your attention and sharpen your focus. It is relaxing and allows you a moment of time for yourself, with you and your body. It is very mindful and has physical health benefits such as increased flexibility, lower blood pressure and increased body strength. 

Learning a new hobby
You can learn a new hobby such as learning to speak a new language, learning to play an instrument or even swimming. Wherever your heart takes you and mind wonders, just go for it! This can increase self esteem and allow you to feel confident, approaching tasks head on. 

Surround yourself with positive media
Digest more positive media. This means making your social media content more positive by following motivational, inspiring and more positive content. This can look like listening to a positive podcast that uplifts you, makes you laugh or following a social media page that inspires you.

Resting is so important for our bodies. We need to conserve and create more energy so that we can carry out more of the things we want to conduct. Resting is crucial for us to function. Our brain is a foggy mess without it and our bodies ache without it. So make sure you aren’t pushing yourself to the absolute limit and yes it’s ok to rest. The most successful people rest too, even the King! You do not need to feel guilty for taking time for you. It’s crucial to do so. 

Read self development books (like me.) The twist with this is that they do not have to be big books. They can be articles or quotes. Even this blog you are reading right now is a form of self help as you are seeking to better yourself from this advice (which thank you and you are an amazing human!)

The benefits of self help are:

  • Better physical and mental health
  • Better resilience 
  • Reduce stress and anxiety 
  • Better relations with people
  • Increased motivation 
  • Promotes productivity 
  • More positive thinking 
  • Increased self esteem 

Self help is important for all of us to adopt as otherwise we neglect ourselves and limit our potential to success. We loose self esteem and slow down ourselves. 

This is why, it is crucial for us to be kinder to ourselves. We are important and worthy. You are able to succeed and be the best version of yourself. 

I hope this resonates with you and I wish you all the best on this beautiful journey.

You are worth it! 

I leave off on a quote as always. 

“Self care is not self indulgence, it is self preservation.” - Unknown

Best wishes,

Lucy Lu x 

Lulu's Colectiva

I am 21 years old and I love anything to do with self development. I post blog posts for fun and to provide insights and may be teach you a thing or two. I love cats and I am trying to become a social media manager.

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