Tackling Procrastination

 The task killer Procrastination.

Procrastination is one of the most time consuming tasks. But why do we all face it and put a halt to carrying out the task we want to get done? 

Simply because we do not know how to overcome this feeling of procrastination and we end up being swept away by it, as it seems to be the easier thing to do.  When in reality, it ends up being harder for you to get back on track with the task you wanted to do and sends you back to square one. 

What is procrastination for those who have never heard of it? 

Procrastination is a habit where you delay something which needs to be done with the awareness that there is a consequence. Usually, being distracted and carried away with more enjoyable and easier activities. 

How to overcome Procrastination

I will list a few steps to overcoming the habit of procrastinating and tips on preventing yourself from procrastinating further in the future. 
  1. Recognise when you Procrastinate 
Identifying when you are procrastinating will help you find the triggers for this habit which helps to come up with a solution towards preventing you from procrastinating all over again.  You may be putting off a task as you find it boring and undesirable. If so, work on getting this task done first thing. if you are lucky enough to come up with a way to do it in a more desirable, fun manner then take that route too.

There is a quote that goes with this point which is;

"If you have to eat a frog then eat it in first thing in the morning. If you need to eat two frogs, eat the biggest one first." - Mark Twain 

    2.  Organise your space

The environment that surrounds you is a direct reflection of you. It reflects the actions and behaviours you carry out. This means that if you exercise a lot then around your living space and environment you may surround yourself with exercise equipment. This also means as a procrastinator, you may live around an unorganised environment, with no structure and many distractions. Being unorganised may be a result of procrastinating. Having no structure allows you to drift and become unfocused on what is needed to get done. 

Start by creating a small to do list and getting things done off of that list. Seeing tasks being ticked off the list will be like little victories to you, encouraging you to keep completing these tasks and reach these accomplishments. Gradually, you will find yourself in a much more organised space. 

    3. Set yourself time bound goals

Time bound goals are goals which are limited to time and have deadlines. What you could do is, set yourself a challenge. Have your task set, lets say cleaning your room, and give yourself a time to complete tidying this room in. Set the time on your phone and see if you can beat this time. This motivates you to get on with the task ahead and get it finished. It allows you to stay occupied as we humans have a fairly competitive nature. 

Another tip on this note of time bound goals would be utilising free time management apps. These help you list your tasks as these apps have features that send you reminders of getting your tasks done, constantly reminding you of what needs to be done ahead. 

    4. Come to terms with the fact that there may never be a perfect time to do it as you will never be ready

Using the excuse of not being bothered to do the task ahead or not being ready means that at some point, you think that you will approach that task with more enthusiasm. 9 out of 10 times that will never be the case. Most tasks require you approaching them and actually attempting to carry them out for you to complete them. You need to just go for it. The longer you postpone the task, the longer you carry out this feeling of being unbothered and not ready as you never are ready for it. You drag the weight of this task with you and it feels worse in the long run. Getting it out of the way first thing is the best option. Especially when it is an undesirable task. 

Look at the task as a weight off your shoulders once it is completed. You can tick it off your to do list first thing and not worry about it again. You erase the feelings of being unbothered and unprepared for it almost instantly. 

Procrastination can restrict your potential and hold you back from succeeding. Defeating this now allows you to become more proactive and approach life with more enthusiasm. 

Thank you for reading this article. I hope this has helped you feel more optimistic about approaching your 'to do list' and helps you reach success. 

I will leave off on a quote as always. 

"My advice is never to do tomorrow what you can do today as procrastination is the thief of time." - Charles Dickens

All the best,
Lucy Lu x
Lulu's Colectiva

I am 21 years old and I love anything to do with self development. I post blog posts for fun and to provide insights and may be teach you a thing or two. I love cats and I am trying to become a social media manager.

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