Affirmation Guidance

 Affirmation Guidance: Unleashing your inner success

silhouette of woman standing in front of ocean with a city in the near distance. Sun is setting in the background.

What are affirmations and what value do they hold?

Affirmations are personalised, positive statements that reflect our desires, qualities, wants or outcomes. They are written in present tense as if they were already true, and are designed to challenge and replace negative, limiting beliefs we have created in our minds. 

The use of affirmations are to empower you and to defeat any limiting beliefs you have of yourself. Affirming with your self and speaking positively, reflect your actions and behaviours, causing you to act in a more confident, optimistic manner. Your approach to tasks and whatever it may be that you want to achieve will change drastically as you reshape your thought patterns and take more of a proactive step towards goals.  

Now, you are likely wondering how to begin with creating affirmations and when/ where to put them into use. Well, the good news is that I have some guidance below with a few examples of affirmations that could be used. 

Here is how to create affirmations: 

Begin by getting out a pen and paper. Use this to write out where there are areas in your life you would like to change. Are these areas such as career, relationships or finance? This could be anything, it is personal. 

Next, turn those negative thoughts you have about yourself and transform them into positives. Prevent self sabotaging and abolish any negative views you have about yourself.  For instance, if you believe you are talentless, dig deep and think about what you can do. Are you great at talking as that makes up for communications and can be a strength. Are you a good mother, do you provide and take care of your children? Are you quick with decisions, do you come up with solutions rapidly? Wherever it is, there is something in all of us. If you are truly struggling with turning those negatives into positives then ask for help. Ask a close friend or someone trusted, who knows you, what your strengths are and a positive will be discovered. 

Make sure you write your affirmations in the present tense. This is important because you are reaffirming with yourself that this is currently occurring and you believe in what it is you are stating. Speak as if it is already happening, make your affirmation affirmative and actionable. You are living what you state, you believe it with your heart and you are confident in what you state. " I am confident and successful." "I am going to get that role." Be certain. 

Finally, state your affirmation with feeling. Affirmations are much more effective when there is an emotional weight put on them. Have confidence and meaning with every word stated. Have intent with your words and make sure they signify your belief. 

There are many affirmation videos to be found on YouTube that guide your with discovering what statements resonate best with you. However, below are a few affirmations which I found that can give sincere, courageous people like you guidance. 

My mind is brilliant and my body is healthy. 

Today, I am full of energy and overflowing with joy.

I am forgiving and sympathetic towards those around me. I will not allow myself to take things so personally. 

I am powerful, confident and full of bright ideas. I am creative and courageous. 

I overcome all obstacles that stand in my way.

I am happy and successful. I have all I need in order to succeed. 

There is passion in my stride and I approach everything with a can do attitude. 

I am learning everyday and it is ok to create mistakes. 

Everything will come to me in time. I am hardworking and worthy of success. 

My thoughts are filled with positivity and my life is plentiful.

Many people look up to me and recognise my worth, I am admirable.

I am accomplished and able to achieve all I need to succeed. 

I am indestructible.

 I radiate beauty, intelligence and confidence. 

I acknowledge my own self-worth.

I take care of myself and hold myself in high power. I am superior and act superior. 

I am confident that you have it in your to succeed and with the teachings I have provided above, with all the guidance, if taken on and followed, you too can reach your full potential and develop. Personal growth is endless and it begins with YOU. 

"Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth." - Bryant H McGill

Lulu's Colectiva

I am 21 years old and I love anything to do with self development. I post blog posts for fun and to provide insights and may be teach you a thing or two. I love cats and I am trying to become a social media manager.

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