Embrace your accomplishments

 Celebrating milestones along the way : Fuelling your determination

woman blurred in front of a colourful background with the main focus of the picture being confetti

Celebrating milestones and achievements should not be reserved for special occasions only. They should not have to wait until your birthday, Christmas or graduation. Celebrating personal milestones should have greater recognition. 

Delving into this article, I will uncover the importance of celebrating milestones with numerous benefits it has to offer for you.  I will also provide guidance as to how these milestones can be celebrated. 

The importance of celebrating milestones: 

Celebrating milestones is an important way to acknowledge your achievements and truly shine light on them. You feel more accomplished when recognising the milestones that have been achieved. This leaves you feeling more motivated, fuelling your determination and leading you to achieve much greater goals set out. It is important to recognise your success as it allows for reinforced positive behaviours. This means you are much more likely to act in a better, much positive manner, which has numerous benefits in itself. 

The benefits of celebrating these milestones 

Reduces Stress - When you celebrate milestones there are happy hormones released, also known as endorphins, which enables you to feel rest assured and full of joy. This reduces stress and increases positive behaviours/ feelings. 

Provides Structure - Honouring your success, no matter how small, provides structure as it allows you to look forward to the future and opportunities that lay ahead. Having this structure allows for you to stay on track with your goals. 

Provides inspiration - Celebrating your milestones allows you to really acknowledge the achievement accomplished. This enables you to feel inspiration and it motivates you to strive further. Inspiration is important to keep you in line with your goals and allows for you to truly appreciate the accomplishment of your milestones. 

Here are some ways to celebrate your milestones, taking recognition to the accomplishments achieved:

-  Go out for dinner 

-  Have a spa day

-  Go shopping 

-  Get your hair done

-  Have a manicure or pedicure...or even both 

-  Order a takeaway 

-  Treat yourself to a sweet treat 

-  Have a rest day 

-  Sleep in! Have a lay in, you can reward yourself by relaxing and taking things slow. 

-  Have a bath 

-  Indulge in a day full of self care

-  Buy a cake and celebrate it by having some friends around

-  Go out with friends 

-  Celebrate with your family 

Whichever way you decide to celebrate your milestones, make sure that they are done in a way which allows you to recognise the accomplishment you have made. They do not need to be expensive celebrations, nor do they have to be thrown on a large scale. 

"Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead." Nelson Mandela 

"Celebrate your progress no matter how big or small." - Unknown

What is your biggest milestone? 

How do you plan to celebrate?

Lulu's Colectiva

I am 21 years old and I love anything to do with self development. I post blog posts for fun and to provide insights and may be teach you a thing or two. I love cats and I am trying to become a social media manager.

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